EUROCOORD aims to generate the knowledge and provide a forum to support the implementation and application of the EOI in criminal matters. The consortium, therefore, covers very different procedural and legal contexts, by including experts and researchers from 3 different countries (Italy, Spain and Poland) and professionals and interested stakeholders as associate partners.
The knowledge and resources generated have demonstrated itself as a cost-effective solution in several research and coordination actions in the field of Justice. Moreover, in order to guarantee the highest potential impact, EUROCOORD joins together several Associate partners with a multiplying effect and a wide range of professional expertise: NGO against organized crime, the Fondazione Rocco Chinnici (Italy) and the Spanish Prosecutor General's Office (Fiscalía General del Estado). The diversity of cultures involved and the different legal contexts provide a comprehensive framework to the project, being possible to detect gaps and rebuild a common roadmap in order to promote best practices from a judicial and ethical point of view
Moreover, the outputs expected cover a wide range of tools and deliverables aiming to multiply the impact of the action taken and the final number of persons benefiting from the project activities. At this concern, part of the tasks to be implemented are directly addressed to ensure the transferability of the results. Thus, the Code of Best Practices will provide concrete guidelines and harmonised proceeding recommendations to be used across Europe, in the countries involved in the project and beyond. In addition, key elements of EUROCOORD providing an extraordinary European value to this project are the design and implementation of an ambitious and comprehensive dissemination and exploitation strategy. Among the activities foreseen, the European Observatory of the EIO in criminal matters aims to become a European platform not only for raising awareness and knowledge transfer, but also a reference site for Member States to get support and tools to adopt practices and procedures supporting the implementation of the mentioned Order.